The Outcome (as of 6/13/16)
On June 7, the Woodstock City Council passed a neutered Home Rule policy (starting on page 90) that allows for no resident control for taxes fees or debt, unlike the policy we proposed. It does impose some limits on property tax levies and debt, and for that, we are thankful.
The dialog was often heated and our organization was reviled by the council and Mayor for our use of "inflammatory" language in our flyer. We were called "disingenuous" for talking to fellow citizens about our concerns for Home Rule and the special census after we had spoken twice to the Mayor and explained what we we going to do.
Despite what ever spin they may want to put on it, one thing is made clear by their actions, they don't want you to have control over taxes, fees and debt. We don't know why, yet, but time will tell I'm sure.
Full video of the meeting, expand the description for links to jump to the related sections of the video.
Striking a balance between
control in Springfield,
control in City Hall and resident control.
It has been announced that the City will be doing a special census in the hopes that our populatipn has grown beyond 25,000. This will enable Home Rule powers for our City Council
The Issues As We See Them (Click to expand)
While Home Rule has some positive aspects, we have the following concerns:
...and the City can do all this (and more) without resident involvement or approval.
Solutions (Click to expand)
Given the risks that Home Rule brings, we are advocating for one of two solutions:
1. Citizen-focused policy change. We have approached the City Council and have spoken to Mayor Sager asking that they bring to a vote, the language below. We believe this language brings a "win-win" solution that allows the city to collect monies that the state could provide while allowing citizens to have some control as it is related to 'revenue generation'.
The proposed language follows:
"Prior to the adoption of any ordinance imposing or increasing a home rule tax, fee or debt on any person or property in the City (not including property tax extensions), the Council must publish for general circulation a statement about the proposed tax, as well as, an explanation of how the revenue will be used. Seven to ten days later, the Council is to conduct a public meeting regarding the proposed ordinance. The Council will not vote on the ordinance for at least two City Council meetings, allowing citizens enough time to submit a petition opposing the ordinance (the petition must contain 15% of the voters from the last Mayoral election).
If an opposing petition is submitted, the City Council will hold an advisory referendum and if a majority of those that voted on the referendum oppose the tax ordinance, the Council will not adopt such ordinance."
While the Mayor seemed amenable to this proposal, it still has not been brought to the council for a vote and the special census is scheduled to start in the "summer". This brings us to our alternative solution.
2. Refuse to participate in the special census. At the time of this writing, we have no indication that the city council will vote on the above language before the start of the special census. As a result, we will begin a public education campaign, starting with the "Home Rule is Home Ruin" presentation and likely wrapping up with neighborhood canvassing. The thrust of this effort will be to educate residents about Home Rule and to encourage them not to participate in the voluntary special census.
Supporting Resources (Click to expand)
City of Woodstock Special Census/Home Rule web page:
Chicago Tonight|New Report Finds Illinois Municipalities Pushing for ‘Home Rule’
Westchester voters reject home-rule push
Franklin Park voters appear to reject home rule status
The Breeze Courier Online | Watchdog group fighting home rule in Illinois
Village of Rochester to Vote on Home Rule March 18
Woodstock City Council discusses Home Rule (Video)
Take Action (Click to Expand)
Attend the Next City Council Meeting
Attend "Home Rule is Home Ruin" See above
Contact the City Council
Dr. Brian Sager
811 Regina Court
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 338-4302
Term: 2013 - 2017
Council Members
Daniel Hart
415 Washington Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 321-4481
Term: 2015-2019
Maureen Larson
1266 Gerry Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 308-8866
Term: 2015-2019
Mark S. Saladin
1267 Amber Court
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 790-3864 (C)
Term: 2015-2019
Joseph Starzynski
348 South Hayward
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 245-4954 (C)
Term: 2013-2017
RB Thompson
626 E. Calhoun Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
(815) 714-4056
Term: 2013-2017
Michael A. Turner
1254 Gerry Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
(262) 422-5663 (C)
Term: 2013-2017